Wanted: Desperate for help

Location: in Motherwell GB

All the details

After having to secretly move due to personal reasons (which i can explain one on one, i have been placed in a lower apartment just outside of Motherwell town centre. i have been signed off work due to illness. I am looking for everything from a kettle to kitchen utensils. Bedding for a double bed. Blanket Throws for 2 sofas Long wide hooped curtains for two large windows. If possible extendable curtain poles.. a TV cabinet, some sort of coffee table or nest of tables, a standing lamp, a coat rack. Any sort of small cabinets as i only have one set of drawers which was left here by the prevent teñants. A mirror. Any extra wall paint. Anything really that someone or more than one person can help with. I'd never usually ask anyone for help but I'm completely stuck and at the age of 39 i feel embarrassed asking for help. The only issue is i do not drive. Though i will thank you for any help you may be able to give in Advance as every little helps.

Categorised as: Things Wanted

Comments About This Item

chmair , 7 months, 1 week ago

Hello, perhaps this might help. https://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/page.php?PgID=869960&ClubID=102 Kind regards C.