Chive clumps

This item is in Leasowe GB


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Im thinning out the chives which have done rather too well recently! They will plant up well direct in to soil or in to a planter ready to be snipped and used in cooking or just admired. Even if you just want a bunch for use in cooking - just say. Lots of clumps available but I don't want to lift any before I know they are being collected. Have as many clups as you want.

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Comments About This Item

bozsmail , 5 years, 9 months ago

Hiya, do they need a lot of soil to grow in ?Just because im doing a garden roof on my shed and im looking for plants capable of living in a few inches of soil !!? Thanks, andy

aztec , 5 years, 9 months ago

Hi I now see the comment! Well to be honest they do need a bit more than a couple of inches. A small planter or very large plant pot would manage. Those flower buckets in supermarkets? One of those with holes in it and a bit of soil would work - but you would need to water frquently and maybe put tomato feed on them every week in the summer. Some people grow them on a well lit sunny kitchen windowsill. If you wanted them to eat then you could snip them and maybe freeze to use in soups.